Critical Incident Stress Management
The Pecan Valley Centers Critical Incident Stress Management Program is comprised of volunteer peers to provide crisis support for law enforcement officers, firefighters, emergency medical services, corrections, hospitals, emergency management personnel, dispatchers, educators, and mental health professionals. These peers are members of the Lone Star Critical Incident Response Team covering Johnson, Hood, Somervell, Erath,
Palo Pinto, and Parker Counties. Team is willing to travel outside of these counties if needed.
Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) provides education, prevention, stress coping techniques and helps mitigate the effects of stress and negative emotional reactions that interfere with a person's ability to function due to an event or the repeated exposure to events. CISM is designed to assist responders who have experienced unusual stress related to their work. CISM is interested in promoting a helpful response throughout the entire range of a crisis experience including: the pre-crisis, acute crisis and post-crisis phases.

What is a Critical Incident?
A critical incident is any situation faced by first responders causing unusually strong emotional reactions, which have the potential to interfere with their ability to function during or after the event. Examples of critical incidents addressed by the Lone Star Critical Incident Response Team include:
* Suicide of a first responder
* Line of duty death or serious injury of a first responder
* Injury to or death of a child
* Mass-casualty incident
* Natural disaster causing death and/or serious injury
Lone Star Critical Incident Response Team Contact Information

Clinical Director: Rheanne Sullivan, 817-594-3087,
2101 West Pearl St, Granbury TX 76048
Rheanne Sullivan – Law Enforcement Peer/LPC
Coke Beatty – LMHA/LIDDA Peer & Military Peer
Ruben DeHoyos – LMHA/LIDDA Peer
Wayne Vaughn – Military Peer/LPC
Rachel Dye - LPC
Lacey Robertson – Community Peer/LCSW
Dr. Ashley Womack – Law Enforcement Peer/LPC
Casey Wilken – Hood Co SO/Law Enforcement Peer
Travis Crawford – Somervell Co SO/Law Enforcement Peer
Jason Ellison – Cleburne FD/Fire Dept Peer
Brian Walker – Mineral Wells FD/Fire Dept Peer