History & Leadership
Pecan Valley Centers for Behavioral and Developmental Healthcare was legally established in 1976 as “Pecan Valley Mental Health Mental Retardation Region” by the Commissioners Courts of Erath, Hood, Palo Pinto, Parker and Somervell Counties as a Community Center in accordance with House Bill 3. Johnson County joined the Pecan Valley Centers Region in June 2006. In 2010 Rosa’s Law was signed by President Obama to remove the term “mental retardation” and replace it with the term “intellectual disability”. Rosa’s Law made it’s way to Texas in 2011 and adopted into Texas law. As a result the Pecan Valley Centers Board of Trustees approved dropping the term “mental retardation” from its name and approved doing business as Pecan Valley Centers for Behavioral and Developmental Healthcare on June 24, 2011.
Theresa Mulloy, Ed.D. was appointed the center’s first Executive Director in 1976 and served in that role until her retirement in August 2006. The Pecan Valley Board of Trustees appointed Coke Beatty to succeed Dr. Mulloy’s 30 years of service in September 2006. Mr. Beatty had served the Center in other capacities since 1992.
Pecan Valley Centers is governed by a thirteen member Board of Trustees. Eleven Trustees are appointed by the County Commissioners of the six counties. Two local Sheriffs are appointed to the Board by the Executive Director as Ex-Officio members in accordance with Texas Senate Bill 632 of the 86th Legislature which promotes all Local Mental Health Authorities cooperation with the criminal justice system.
Pecan Valley Centers is authorized by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) to be the Local Mental Health Authority and the Local Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) Authority for the six county Region. Pecan Valley Centers attained a national credential as a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) in July 2020.